:: Hobby Lobby ::
Summer vacations have been a snooze fest for me. I always rattle on and make a list of things I want to try a hand on but that enthusiasm never lingers because of authentic reasons obviously (laziness and who’ll-go-shopping-for-the-things-in-this-freaking-heat).
But this time, oh my my *smirks* I actually did something!! I blame my clumsiness for this… last year I broke quite a few things which dint break adequately so I couldn’t wholeheartedly fling them away considering where I bought it from and how much I shelled out. I preserve things till its impossible for me to collect it from the ground.
So finally, Tadaaaa… Welcome to my hobby lobby!
Since I’ve got that thing with readymade table mats.. I thought of making one myself. I bought a few ice cream sticks and stuck them in this fashion. Absolutely effortless and very cheap. Ahh.. childhood memories! ;;)
I had bought that bell thingy from National Institute of Design(NID, Ahmedabad) and meant a lot to me but sadly it broke and almost 2 ¼ out of 5 (1 full, ¾, ½) was left. I broke the other two and kept back the full one.
I had a metal belt with butterflies on, very fragile. I should’ve used it as an adornment for the house or curtains, I have no clue whatsoever why I bought it! It dint slide easily through the loops of the jeans and I never wore ultra short tops to show them off :P … Anyways that broke too (had to).
We had a beautiful clock which was almost an antique and we were about to throw it when I saw that the glass covering was loose, I sat down and took it off and preserved it till now to do a glass painting on it :D .. This is the 1st time I tried this all by myself. The cat gives a nice impact but technically it’s not at all good… there are air bubbles and the color isn’t spread equally. I screwed up with the liner completely.
The transformation is clearly seen =| .. damn it!.. I’ll be making another one way better than this one for sure =|.. ‘m kinda consoling myself, it being my 1st attempt. =| Mom,dad bro pretty happy with it, but till the time 'm not satisfied no one can make me happy. *sighs* (that canvas is expensive and look how royally i messed it!.. i know if it would've had a darker background, the flower and all would have stood out better.)
And finally, the best acc to me.. pot painting.
Bought terra cotta pots and painted them with acrylic pearl colors. I send the pink one as a gift to my brother via his friend. I hope you get the brains behind it. =|
The second one I thought as a birthday gift for seno but I noticed a slight crack on the ring so would make a bigger one for her! I have used blue, red, gold and white.. other colors that you see are created when they blend with each other. I LOVE colors.
Ps: Seno… will give it to you if/when we meet. Lol… till then I’ll show it off at my place! =D
I had another miniature pot… sadly it broke before I could do anything. I had a concept for that too. Will do a few more of these... since it came out better than others…
This is what I did the summer. I read a few books, thought of writing a review but now 'm sort of lazy.. may be laters! =)
I hope you like it. =)
The only hobby I had, I reckon was to rip/break things apart out of curiosity and there ended the story.
Putting things back together was never my forte.
You can like give art classes n all..nice..very impressive... maybe ill try some of this soon.. :)
Good work!
Take care..
ANyway thanks a ton for the gift , i loveeeed it ....but i wud love it more if it was sitting right next to me rather than in my monitor you know :P hehe
Love ya loads`
cute. loved the glass painting though. its fun isint it???
thanks :)
@ J
breaking is ouch!.. get it to me after you done with breaking! :D
indeed! :)
@ gargi..
thanks girl.. :D
i dunno about art classes... but a future store is definitely on my mind.
>:D< :-*
i cannot be idle!... what are you saying!.. i can waste time like its the only thing i got to do! :P
meet me first.. n i'll get all your gifts :P
for the first time, yes.
@ scarletdiaries
breaking things are cute.
i should explain that to my mom! lol
glass painting is fun.. need a lot of patience though. it sometimes kinda pushes your limits :|