:: Wakey Wakey Sid Babey ::

Unlike my previous review of the movie ‘Luck by chance’ wherein I narrated the story line my way and got cursed and sworn by people whom I knew and others, I try and present to you the gist of this movie. (catch the word “try”)

These are the few things I liked followed by the once I dint. Once again, catch the word “try” and read at your own risk.

The hangouts/night outs gratifies the youth and their behavior completely in harmony with the elders stance. Common traits in a friend circle or of a family is sucked out and diffused believably. Ranbirs a rich lad owns an amazing house and a credit card that’s swiped more often than it should be! College is fun and for once, there’s a fat girl in a group and she fits in well!

BOMBAY captured at its best. It looks beautiful, feels beautiful and is shown and presented in way that anybody will fall in love with it. One fine-looking city, as smooth as sandpaper! ;)

There are a lot of times when you feel the need to blurt out oh-so-cute! The scenes and frames that earn brownie points are ::

Sid’s t-shirts and ultra cute boxers ;) ,

The interiors of Aisha’s house (the transformation from flat to house *sighs*)

The birthday cake ;)

Kabir – a treat to watch.

Sonia’s timing.

The location and look of the Mumbai beat office.

The cute oh-so-awww cuddle, after they get drunk.

The movie got stretched before and a little after the interval. (and at some point it got boring coz I wasn’t quiet while watching it, I just cant remember which part)

Sid gets the job easy as pie. *rolls eyes*

The ending is similar to that of ‘luck by chance’. *wicked grin*

And Sitting in the 6th row can give you a crick in the neck. :|

The best thing about the movie is that its fresh. And it sort of proves that men are from mars and women from venus. A very regular story, an aptly chosen cast and ample scenes here and there that scores brownie points.After a series of pointless, worthless, hopeless and absolutely senseless movies it’s over-whelming to finally watch a decent flick.

Songs blends with the movie. All hail Shankar-ehsaan-loy and Amit Trivedi(of dev D fame) for the song iktara.

Ik taara ko 5 stars :|

I wont tag this as a must watch but if you’ve subjected yourself to flicks like ‘whats your rashee’, ‘hadippa’, ‘wanted’ etc THEN this one’s a must watch.

Rating 3.5/5 =)

Ps: I hope this one's a better review.

And its really difficult to watch a movie peacefully when you have friends who cannot shut up!... The .5 extra is coz they made it look even more funnier! ;)


Ritika said…
hey kool ya..
i saw the movie yest, n it was so fresh in ma mind..
i loved the movie..kinda decent..
n different,

nyc review...
Jinu Kurien said…

Ek Taara is not by Shankar, Ehsaan & Loy. Its by a real class act in the making - Amit Trivedi, who also did the music of DevD & Aamir.

Thought he should get credit for the effort !!!

Cheers !!
A.prem said…
hey thanks ritika ! =)
glad yu liked it!

but i believe it seems different coz of other lame movies! :|
its kinda a regular story ! :)

A.prem said…
hey thanks sir..
I really dint know that!
Have added it in there! =)
Rush said…
first time here...and as much as i like bollywood, sigh!! moved to utah..and they are hardly any hindi movie screenings here...in chicago, first day first show...but i will look forwrd to ur reviews!!
Veda said…
i don't really like reviews...but this one i didn't mind..concise and well, in complete agreement with my view. :P

He is so so so c.u.t.e
hey thats nice review, very innovative.

n yes movie is awesomeee
A.prem said…
@ rush

like i said earlier ... i kinda suck at giving reviews...but still i feel like writing them! xD

Keep Visiting
A.prem said…
@ mon espace
i second ya 200% !
cuteness personified!

A.prem said…
@ manjari
thanks girl!
Sunny said…
I am not a good reviewer of movie, more of critic.
In your style you can also add some technical and commercial masala to your review like: comment on camera work, locations, imporvemnets etc.

The review has to be the way you (would) liked it.
raj said…
liked your review, was very nonjudgmental about whether i found the movie good or bad. basically had been to see it with a mental block of going for a karan johar movie. found it marginally over his regular kinds, maybe the cast (kher, konkona, khanna) did some wonder and off course his non interference with the production.
found your focus moving into the depth of the screens field where any else would have hooked to their actors act, design school hangover maybe. great guide for everyone who overlooked the art direction. keep it up!
Rohan said…
Nice review, Unbiased!

Its like many of us could connect with the movie and hence loved it!

I could relate to almost everything in that, my dad used to give me cash though :P

and Ranbir kapoor fits that role to the t !

Cant wait to check out, Ajab prem ki gajab kahani :D
Anonymous said…
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